A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Mushroom Brie Mac and Cheese (Recipe inspired by NO ONE TELLS YOU THIS)

One of the best parts of being single – or, heck, even just having a night on your own while your partner and/or kids are out doing their own thang – is eating whatever you want. You don’t have to cater to anyone’s tastes but your own. While my husband does occasionally indulge my love for food he hates, I do sometimes miss being able to come home and whip up something I'm craving without considering what my other half may eat for dinner...

Moroccan Chicken B’stilla Pie (Recipe inspired by THE PERFECT NANNY)

It’s good to challenge yourself, right? Every now and then? Well. If you’re in agreement with me, you’ve come to the right post. Prepare yourself, dear reader, because this Moroccan Chicken B’stilla Pie is quite the challenging recipe. At least, if you’re not used to working with phyllo dough. *Raises hand* Full disclosure: this is nowhere near an original recipe. Since the author of The Perfect Nanny is the first Moroccan woman to...

Chicken and Rice Casserole

Well, Tartlets, in case you haven't noticed, new posts are a little more intermittent these days. Remember that concussion I mentioned awhile back? Yeeaaaah. Turns out, it didn't go away as quickly as I had originally thought. I had a relapse in mid-January, and I was told by various doctors that the only cure is rest and time. This unfortunately means that I'm restricted from most of my blogging activities until I'm fully recovered, which...

Paprika Shrimp with Smoked Gouda Polenta (Recipe inspired by RUSH)

I'm going to stop trying to get ahead in my blogging life. This is the second time I've made plans to cook and photograph a month's worth of blog recipes in one weekend, only to have my plans completely foiled. The first time, my hard drive crashed, wiping nearly all the photos of my hard work. This time, I gave myself a concussion by walking into a door frame while *cringe* talking to my cat. (If you know me, you're not surprised by this....

Raspberry Thyme Chicken (Recipe inspired by MEET ME AT THE MUSEUM)

I know I said I wasn’t going to post anything else Christmas-y on the blog this month. However, I couldn't help myself. All you Christmas celebrants -- have you planned your Christmas menu yet? I finally decided what we should make...mostly. I always have second, third, and fourth thoughts about the menu. If you're like me and still weighing your options...CONGRATS. You're now done. Because this Raspberry Thyme Chicken is the...

Lemon Piccata Flounder with Herbed Couscous (Recipe Inspired by DAUGHTERS OF THE LAKE)

You guys, this is a fancy recipe. So, break out the company plates 'cause you’re gonna want to show this one off with your best china. I'm sure some of you are already drifting away from this post because you think "fancy" means "difficult," but that is NOT true. Stay with me. I promise that this is not going to be scary. Just really, really pretty. And tasty. The main character of Daughters of the Lake, Kate, goes to stay with her cousin...

Cioppino with Garlic Toast (Inspired by THE IMMORTALISTS)

This Cioppino may be the best meal I've made all year. For reals. Seafood lovers, you are in for a TREAT. Even before I decided that I was going to keep reading The Immortalists, I knew I wanted to make a dish that related to San Francisco. Simon is the first sibling you meet in The Immortalists, and his story quickly takes him to The City by the Bay. His love of SF and the freedom he experiences there is what made me fall in love with this...

Lazy Man’s Gyro with Tzatziki Sauce

Gyro. Jy-roh? Guy-ro? Year-roh? I’ve been to Greece, and I still don’t know how to pronounce this word correctly. (To be fair, I didn't see gyros on any menus there, so I didn't have the opportunity to inquire about its pronunciation). I think it’s the last one (year-roh), but please do NOT quote me on that. I have not a drop of Greek blood in me. But, you know who does? Calliope Stephanides, from Middlesex. This title ended up in my last...

Cincinnati Chili (Inspired by FOOTBALL!)

We're well into September now, and that means it's time for crunchy falling leaves, taking cozy sweaters out of storage, all things pumpkin spice and apple related, and...the return of FOOTBALL! I can't even believe I'm writing this post. If you knew me about 10 years ago, you would understand why. I was a completely different person; football did not factor into my life, except for knowing that Sunday afternoon games meant I could grocery shop...

Ziti ala Colucci

I'm finally posting about my favorite food. PASTA. Honestly, I'm shocked I've held out as long as I have. I could eat pasta every single day. Confession: I might have actually done that in college and ballooned 40 pounds. So, I have learned the hard way that, no matter how much I want to, I cannot eat pasta every day. But, if I could request to eat only one food for the rest of my life, it would be pasta. (And maybe Chinese takeout. And some...