A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Paprika Shrimp with Smoked Gouda Polenta (Recipe inspired by RUSH)

I'm going to stop trying to get ahead in my blogging life. This is the second time I've made plans to cook and photograph a month's worth of blog recipes in one weekend, only to have my plans completely foiled. The first time, my hard drive crashed, wiping nearly all the photos of my hard work. This time, I gave myself a concussion by walking into a door frame while *cringe* talking to my cat. (If you know me, you're not surprised by this....


You don’t even know the level of excitement I had when I received the email from my library that this book had come in. A heat wave had just hit, and The High Tide Club seemed like the perfect beach read for a hot summer’s day. And, while I don’t plan on going near any beaches this year, you can bet your bottom sand dollar that I plunked myself down under my pergola to read this, pretending that the grass surrounding me was sand and the...