A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Cottage Pie (Recipe Inspired by AN IRISH COUNTRY COTTAGE

Choosing Cottage Pie as my book-inspired recipe for An Irish Country Cottage was practically a no-brainer. For years, I've called this dish "Shepherd's Pie," which I think is the name that most of us know it by. At some point, though, I learned that Shepherd's Pie is traditionally made with lamb – hence, the “shepherd” part. This is all fine and good, but I’m not a huge fan of lamb. I prefer the beef version of this dish, which is called...

Chicken and Rice Casserole

Well, Tartlets, in case you haven't noticed, new posts are a little more intermittent these days. Remember that concussion I mentioned awhile back? Yeeaaaah. Turns out, it didn't go away as quickly as I had originally thought. I had a relapse in mid-January, and I was told by various doctors that the only cure is rest and time. This unfortunately means that I'm restricted from most of my blogging activities until I'm fully recovered, which...