A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

2019: A Year in Review (and Happy Holidays)

christmas lights in snow

Well, Tartlets. It’s been A YEAR, as they say.

Quite honestly, I’m not sad to see the back of 2019; it seemed to be cursed from the get-go. I shouldn’t be surprised, though. Between writing my first novel and starting my blog, 2018 was pretty fan-freakin’-tastic. There’s no other word for it. So, I thoroughly expected 2019 to be something of a let down in comparison.

However, I didn’t expect the shit show that would truly come my way this year.

I’ve started referring to 2019 as “The Year CJ’s Body Decided To Go On Strike.” You all remember when I got my concussion only four days into the new year; this took me out of work for several months, completely stopped me from working on the blog, querying agents, writing or reading anything, etc.

Fast forward almost one full year later, and I’m still dealing with concussion issues, along with a slew of other medical crap that’s been thrown my way. My non-blogging life has been filled to the brim with doctor’s appointments, specialist appointments, MRIs, CT scans, leg pain, back pain, eye tracking issues, and three different forms of physical therapy. I’m thankful to have made as much progress as I have, but there are still days I really regret walking into that damn wall.

And, yes, I’m fully aware that so many people suffer much worse than this on a daily basis, so I do consider myself fortunate in many ways. However, for a girl that’s been blessed with excellent health for 35 years, this sudden maelstrom of medical issues is a LOT to take in over a relatively short time period.

In addition to my health issues, 2019 has been a year of near-misses, some (literal) head-on hits, and a lot of change and upheaval in my and my family’s personal life. I know quite a few other people who experienced similar hardships this past year, so let’s just say that I think a good bunch of us are ready to welcome 2020 with open arms. Amirite?

But, enough of the negatives! I’m trying to keep it real with you all, but one can only take so much complaining. Let’s chat about some of the positives I’ve experienced in 2019:

I gained plenty more new subscribers for the Tart (yayyy!), and I finally had my manuscript read by an agent. Although said reading didn’t result in getting me a book deal, it took me one step further in the querying process. And, quite surprisingly and wonderfully, I started writing my second novel. Totes didn’t see that one coming, 2019.

Husband and I have also made some exciting plans for 2020: We’re going to France to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. We’re exploring Paris for a few days, then decamping to Giverny and Vernon to spend some time relaxing in Monet’s gardens, sketching and drawing (Husband), writing (me), and just generally enjoying a slower pace of life. We are both SO excited, and we’re already having a ton of fun planning what we want to do in France (read: eat all the brie/pastry/baguettes).

Finally, I completely shocked myself this year by…changing my appearance! I’m someone who’s HIGHLY resistant to change; yet, in a sudden and unexpected decision, I abandoned my signature blond locks for a new, shiny, reddish-brown hair color. And, I didn’t stop there! In keeping with my “new you” theme, I bought my first red lipstick. I happen to think that I’m rockin’ it. I’m not saying I bust out that color every day, but I’m wearing it rather liberally this holiday season.

I’m not sure what prompted this lil’ makeover, but given my year’s been filled with events and circumstances beyond my control, I think I wanted to make a change that I could control. I’m loving my new look, and even though the change isn’t drastically shocking, it’s a pretty big deal for someone who’s gotten the exact same blond highlights every three months for the past 15 years. Maybe brunettes have more fun after all? And, maybe a new ‘do will bring a little new luck and motivation my way for the new year.

Like most people, I tend to kick myself when I don’t achieve my goals, and my health issues this year prevented me from acheiving a lot of them. But, as one friend recently reminded me, “Look where you were just two years ago. When you told me you wanted to write again, and that you were going to sit down and do it. And you did it.

She’s right, as said friend usually is. I went from not writing a damn thing to writing every day, running a blog, finishing one novel and starting another. After over 15 years of creative NOTHING. When I look at it that way, what I’ve managed to achieve is pretty friggin’ momentous, especially considering all the obstacles in my way.

So, as 2019 draws to a close, that’s what I’m chosing to focus on: the positives, the achievements, and the hope for an even more successful and enjoyable 2020. I hope you’ll join me in doing the same.

As always, Tartlets, I’m forever grateful for your love and support throughout the year, and for encouraging me to keep doing what I love: reading, writing, cooking, baking, and talking to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for checking out what I have to say every week.

Like most bloggers do around this time of year, I’ll be taking a little break from the blogging life over the next few weeks. This is my last post for 2019, and new posts won’t resume until February. Of course, I’ll still be around on social media (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter), as well as pinning furiously to Pinterest, but I’m looking forward to a little down time when it comes to creating new content.

Are you doing anything special over the holiday season? We have dear friends visiting from the UK for Christmas, and I am so, SO excited for them to arrive! While they’re here, we’re taking daycations to Philly and NYC, as well as indulging in all things Christmasy together. Husband and I are hosting a big gathering on Christmas Day, which I love doing — and not just because it gives me an excuse to put out all the place settings in my beloved Lenox Holiday china!

Whatever you’re doing this holiday season, I hope you have a wonderful, fun, and safe time with those you love. See you next year, Tartlets!

Love, books, and carbs,

CJ xoxo


10 thoughts on “2019: A Year in Review (and Happy Holidays)

  1. I agree, 2019 has been quite a crappy year for me too, especially compared to what I feel I achieved in 2018. But the only way is up, right? Hope we all have a wonderful 2020! 😊

  2. Wooooofft, that was quite a lot to deal with in just one year! But it’s swings and roundabouts, after all, and 2020 I’m sure will be a dream in comparison 😉 Congratulations on taking the step to get your first novel out there (and starting your second! woohoo!). Honestly, all you’ve achieved this year – in spite of all the obstacles – is very impressive, and you deserve a big round of applause. Looking forward to seeing you back soon! x

    1. Thanks so much for your kind and reassuring words!! And, you’re very right — there’s always a turn from the bad to the good, good to the bad. Just have to wait out the bad times to get to the good! 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful 2020!

  3. I feel all of this, and I am so terribly sorry about the concussion. I had no idea that a concussion could last that long and do so much damage. EK! I am glad that you are doing better, resting, seeing the bright side, and pushing through, too. You still managed to accomplish a lot. Like you, 2019 kinda kicked my butt to the curb. We moved to Asheville, which was amazing. But, our house had insanely large and expensive issues right away. I will never forget melting in 100 degree temps as our AC blew while the hot water went too as my senior cat lay dying upstairs needing ALL of his teeth removed due to a major health issue. BUT, ALL SURVIVED and were fixed. I may have cried a lot. Sheesh. And then, I got pancreatitis and was out of commission. Like really, world?! REALLY!!! I am still feeling those effects too. Scary scary. But, we made it to 2020! Like you said, too, people have it worse, but still, I feel you. Are there any pictures of the new hair? That’s so exciting. I have quite a few grays popping in with dark brown hair. Something needs to happen FAST.

    1. Well, DAYME. You had a bitch of a year, too. I’m sorry! Hopefully 2020 is already going better for you. 🙂 And, I will send you photos of my before and after hair, haha. Yeah, that’s the only thing I don’t like about having brown hair — the greys show IMMEDIATELY!! I didn’t think of that when I decided to change colors. I wanted to keep the brown hair for awhile, but I may have to incorporate a few highlights sooner than expected, for vanity reasons. 😉 LOL.

  4. Hey CJ, not able to sleep, I thought I’d check your book list for some inspiration. Wow, what a story (2019). I hopd 2020 (despite CV19) has given you the rest and healing you need. Sometimes these critical illnesses and injuries linger longer than we would like. Best to you, Elle

    1. Hi, Elle! Thanks so much for your kind comments. Yeah, 2019 was a doozy, haha. My health issues persist, but they’re thankfully more manageable this year than last. I’ve been able to concentrate on the positives of this year rather than the negatives, and that’s been helping a lot! Hope you’re doing well. 🙂

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