A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

My Triumphant Return to Blogging: a.k.a, Where I’ve Been

laptop keyboard, pen, and journal
Hey there, Tartlets. So, yeah… I’ve been away a little longer than I anticipated. I was halfway through my traditional January blogging break when I realized…. I needed a longer break. 
I won’t bore you with the details of the last, oh, five months. All you really need to know is that I was away for three main reasons: 
1) I was writing a novel, and it demanded my full attention
2) I’m recovering from spinal fusion surgery
3) I was just plain ol’ BURNT OUT 
But, I’m doing better these days and I’m excited to get back to blogging. But, thanks to Reason #2, I’m going to ease back in very slowly.
If you’re thinking “Hey, this back surgery business sounds familiar,” you’re absolutely right: I had an earlier surgery in December 2021
No, I was not anticipating another surgery, but life is full of surprises. *grimace* 
Like with the last surgery, my ability to bend and twist and lift and walk and basically do all of the things is severely limited right now. While I’m plowing through my Goodreads TBR list like nobody’s business, writing/typing is a bit difficult. Prolonged sitting/standing isn’t easy or fun, and doing anything in the kitchen is an absolute NOPE. (I’m still looking forward to when I can regularly put on my own pants all by myself. TMI? Course not; we’re all friends here.)
So, the blog is going to look a little different for awhile. Posts are going to be a little heavier on the book reviews and writing updates and a bit lighter on the book-inspired recipes. Just until I’ve gone through physical therapy and can function like someone with a fully stable spine again.
Hopefully, you’ll all hang in there with me until blogging life can return to normal. 
Love, books, and carbs,
CJ xoxo 
P.S. — Thanks to everyone who didn’t unsubscribe to the blog while I was AWOL. Much appreciated!

6 thoughts on “My Triumphant Return to Blogging: a.k.a, Where I’ve Been

  1. Hi CJ, I hope your doing well. I hope you get this comment } My cranky laptop is not formatting well. Take care of yourself. Best always, Elle

  2. Hellooo, it’s great to have you back!! I’m now catching up on all your posts after I let my emails just balloon and balloon 🤣 I hope you’re well rested and your back is recovering 😊 xx

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