A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Blogging Behind the Scenes with Replica Surfaces

That’s right, Tartlets. Today I’m taking you behind the scenes of a food blog photo shoot in honor of my new collaboration with Replica Surfaces. And, yes, a lot of behind-the-scenes blogging activity involves my cat being very close at hand. If you follow my Instagram, you know that I’m the newest ambassador for Replica Surfaces, a brand that creates extremely realistic-looking prop surfaces for photography. A little backstory: we all...

I’m a Hobby Blogger. And I’m Okay with That.

Yup, I'm what I could call a "hobby blogger." Meaning: I don't earn a living off my blog.** Everything you see here? I do it all for the love of reading, writing, cooking, baking, and talking with you all on a regular basis. And, I'm totally okay with that. But...it took me awhile to get there. When I launched the Tart in July 2018, it was mainly to showcase my writing for literary agents. I'm trying to get my novel published, and I wanted to...


Are you a blogger? Then you should absolutely, positively, 100% read How to Blog for Profit (Without Selling Your Soul). My husband is wonderfully supportive of my blogging lifestyle, and he bought me this book for Christmas to encourage my dreams of becoming a full-time writer and blogger. After launching the Tart, I quickly learned that there is SO much to learn about the blogging world. Luckily, there are a lot of articles online to help you...