A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

I’m a Hobby Blogger. And I’m Okay with That.

Yup, I'm what I could call a "hobby blogger." Meaning: I don't earn a living off my blog.** Everything you see here? I do it all for the love of reading, writing, cooking, baking, and talking with you all on a regular basis. And, I'm totally okay with that. But...it took me awhile to get there. When I launched the Tart in July 2018, it was mainly to showcase my writing for literary agents. I'm trying to get my novel published, and I wanted to...

Confessions of a Concussed Writer: Where I’ve Been

Be careful what you wish for, people. I’d been saying for awhile that I needed a break. Since starting my blog in July 2018 and rediscovering my love for writing earlier that year, my everyday life has become quite overwhelming. Although I love what blogging has brought into my life, balancing it with a “day job,” a long commute, and spending time with loved ones is a little tricky. So often, I’ve thought how nice it would be just to get...

Daycation: November in New Jersey

November has become my favorite month. The weather turns decidedly cooler, the winds become a bit more blustery, and the leaves on the trees start to change color in full force. I've unpacked my coziest sweaters; I light all my candles when it starts to get dark around 4:30pm; and I revel in the comfort that making warm, filling meals and baked treats brings. Oh, and it's the month of Thanksgiving, which is my favorite holiday. (Shocker -- my...

Blogging is My Mid-Life Crisis

So, I think I'm in the middle of a mid-life crisis. AND IT'S BEEN AWESOME. Mostly. Mostly awesome. There are definitely some down sides to this whole thing I'm going through. Aging, obviously. I'm not thrilled with the fact that the elasticity of my skin no longer defies gravity like it used to. There are some less superficial reasons why riding through my mid-life crisis has been difficult, though. We'll get to those in a little bit. First, I...