A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Blogging Behind the Scenes with Replica Surfaces

Replica Surfaces backdrops

That’s right, Tartlets. Today I’m taking you behind the scenes of a food blog photo shoot in honor of my new collaboration with Replica Surfaces.

cat and replica surfaces

And, yes, a lot of behind-the-scenes blogging activity involves my cat being very close at hand.

If you follow my Instagram, you know that I’m the newest ambassador for Replica Surfaces, a brand that creates extremely realistic-looking prop surfaces for photography.

Replica Surfaces backdrops

A little backstory: we all know my main goal is to one day support myself with full-time blogging and writing. One of the steps I’m taking toward that goal is to collaborate with brands that I personally use and recommend.

First up? Replica Surfaces, which you’ve been seeing in each and every one of my recipe blog posts since this time last year.

Most of my ambassador promotion will be done via Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter , but today I want to introduce Replica Surfaces to those of you who aren’t familiar with the brand and its products. I’m so excited to showcase how these surfaces have influenced my blog and enhanced the quality of my photos — and to give you a behind-the-scenes look at how I set up my at-home photo shoots.

strawberry pie

Let’s get started! Remember this stunner of a photo? How that ruby red Strawberry Pie filling just POPPED! against the dark black background?

And this one: how the neutral wood surface highlights the deep blue chips and fresh veggies adorning my Loaded Turkey Nachos?

nacho chip in hand

Here’s one of my favorites: I love the play of light and dark in the grainy wood surface from my Orange Rosemary Shortbread Cookies post:

Shortbread Cookies

All of these photos used “fake” surfaces to create eye-catching images and drool-worthy shots.

You’re not looking at reclaimed wooden tables or expensive marble countertops. You’re looking at plastic.

Bloggers and Instagrammers strive to create images that you’ll ooh and ahh over, that you’ll “like” and “share” with everyone you know. In my case, I want my book-inspired recipes to look so mouth-watering that you have to make them yourself.

To create photos like that, I need professional-looking backdrops that let the food shine.

falling bread

That’s where Replica Surfaces comes in. They make gorgeous, hyper-realistic plastic surfaces that look just like “the real thing.”

Take the above photo, for instance, from my Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Bread post. And the photo below from my Creamy Tomato Pasta post.

spoon in pasta skillet

They look pretty good, right? Like my kitchen has a chic stone backsplash and a rustic farmhouse table in the corner.

You’d never know that my kitchen actually looks like this:

cottage kitchen

Don’t get me wrong — I adore my kitchen. ADORE IT. Like, every time my husband suggests renovating it, I throw myself across my chipped laminate counters and cling on for dear life.

That said… that same counterop? It glares something fierce, as you can see in the photo. Same goes for the table covered in high gloss black paint. And the wallpaper, while cute for a cottage kitchen, doesn’t exactly have the fresh, contemporary aesthetic I want for my blog.

Nothing about my kitchen (except the abundant sunlight) is ideal for my photoshoots. AND THAT’S OKAY. Thanks to Replica Surfaces, I can keep my beloved cottage kitchen just the way I like it and still get the professional quality photos I want.

behind the scenes pumpkin

Here’s another look at that pumpkin bread, this time from a behind-the-scenes view. This photo was styled using the Slate Replica Surface as the “wall” and the Weathered Wood surface as the “table.”

And, here’s the behind-the-scenes look at the pasta shot:

pasta behind the scenes

In both these photos, the two Replica Surfaces are held together by a set of Replica Stands — those L-shaped green things — to create that “wall/table” effect.

behind the scenes replica surface studio

When I crop the original photos during the editing process, what you see is, well, only what I want you to see: tempting food styled against a neutral background.

(A background that you would never know is not my kitchen.)

forkful of pasta

Replica Surfaces are also great for flatlay photos — a.k.a., photos taken from directly over the subject.

Take a look at this one of my Jam Thumbprint Cookies.

pile of cookies

And this one of my Chicken Saltimbocca, which uses the Biscotti Linen Surface.

Before I discovered Replica Surfaces, I used tile samples from home improvement stores as my studio backdrops.

Honestly, they worked worked pretty well for awhile. This shot from my Salse Verde Shrimp Pasta came out nicely.

Sauteed Shrimp

But this set-up had its problems.

What you don’t see in the above photo is me struggling to hoist the super-heavy, massive tile slab onto my studio table for the photo shoot:

salsa shrimp behind the scenes

Yep, that’s real concrete up there. Yep, it’s heavyAF.

Did I mention I had back surgery a few months ago? I’m pretty sure using this behemoth backdrop contributed to that.

Update: My tile samples are currently collecting dust in my spare bedroom. I haven’t touched them since I bought my first Replica Surfaces a year ago.

behind the scenes

For my final behind-the-scenes peek, here’s what my kitchen — ahem, my studio — looks like on any given “recipe photo shoot day.”

Admittedly, the set-up’s not always this clean; this photo was definitely taken before I started cooking. But there is usually #awellreadcat snoozing nearby.

skillet of chicken in tomato cream sauce

Okay, Tartlets. I think you get the picture. (pun intended!)

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little foray “beyond the blogging veil” to see what goes on behind the scenes at a photo shoot.

In my nearly four years of blogging, I’ve tried a million ways to make my life easier and my photos better, and nothing has done that like Replica Surfaces. The ability to easily mix and match these beautiful, realistic-looking surfaces has changed my blogging life. Which is why I’ve become an ambassador for this product.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Replica Surfaces have elevated my photos, my blog, and my brand to another level.

Cookies on top of each other

If you’re a blogger, an influencer, a photographer, or an entrepreneur of any kind looking to up your photography game, please believe me when I say that these products will change your life.

To see the many colors, styles, patterns, and textures Replica Surfaces has to offer, visit http://replicasurfaces.com/awellreadtart.

And use the following code to receive a 12% discount off your order: Photos12

sally lunn roll

If you’re a hobby blogger who’s wary of spending more than $20 on a blog prop (I hear ya!), you should know that I currently have four Replica Surfaces. Hands down, it’s the best money I’ve spent on my blog. Forget the $2000+ fancy camera. Just get yourself some fake surfaces.

If you have any questions about Replica Surfaces, I’m more than happy to answer them, either in the comments below or via email.

This post may contain affiliate links that earn me a commission at no extra cost to you.

4 thoughts on “Blogging Behind the Scenes with Replica Surfaces

  1. CJ, congratulations on your new collaboration with Replica Surfaces.
    Great photos and backdrop. Leaving for Italy tomorrow (after 4 years of cancer and The Vid). I’ll see if I can collect any promising recipes for you at the winery I’m staying at. Do you drink wine? Perhaps a future photo opp. Ciao! Elle

  2. I actually love your charming wallpaper 😍, but the Replica surfaces are pretty darned smart too. They fit in so naturally with your shots, you’d never know they weren’t the actual background!

    1. Thanks, Nicola! I love my wallpaper, too. When we first moved into the house, I was kinda iffy about it; my husband was DEFINITELY not a fan! But I quickly grew attached to it, and it’s here to stay — partly because I love it, and partly because I can’t stand change, haha. Luckily, the RS backdrops give me all the fancy schmancy backgrounds I need for the blog. 🙂

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