A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Amazing Carrot Cake (Recipe Inspired by LOVE LIKE THAT)

I swore that I'd never make a carrot cake for the blog. But I've broken that promise to bring you the book-inspired recipe for Love Like That. Because just look at this book cover. How could I not bake a carrot cake for this post?? For years, I've disliked carrot cake. Loathed it, in fact. Every version I've tried has been dry and tasteless.  A few years ago, at the insistence of some co-workers at an office party (oh, the things we do under...

Sticky Toffee Pudding (Recipe Inspired by A SINGLE THREAD)

Who loves Sticky Toffee Pudding? THIS GIRL. You will, too, after you taste this amaze-balls recipe for one of the most decadent and delicious desserts known to man. Yes, this post absolutely needed all that alliteration. BECAUSE THAT IS JUST HOW FANTASTIC THIS STICKY TOFFEE PUDDING IS. *Takes deep breath and calms down * Welcome, Tartlets, and let me introduce you to my book-inspired recipe for A Single Thread. As a "surplus" woman in 1930s...

Orange Blueberry Muffins (Recipe Inspired by ELEANOR OLIPHANT IS COMPLETELY FINE)

These homemade Orange Blueberry Muffins are WAY better than anything you’re going to find at a bakery. If I do say so myself. (And I do). You may remember my Instagram post when I declared I had found the BEST muffin recipe ever. Ever since then, the urge to make an orange blueberry version has been overwhelming. This book-inspired recipe for Eleanor Oliphant is Complete Fine is admittedly a bit of a stretch to be truly “book-inspired."...

Millionaire Shortbread (Recipe Inspired by THE FLATSHARE)

I can’t think of a better way to tell someone you love them this Valentine’s Day than with Millionaire Shortbread. Because, let me tell you – love is the only force powerful enough to get you through this recipe! Am I talking you out of this yet? Please keep reading. I promise the payoff is good. Millionaire Shortbread is the book-inspired recipe for The Flatshare. One of the first ways that lovebirds Tiffy and Leon connect, apart from...

Cinnamon Roll Cake (Recipe Inspired by CHRISTMAS SHOPAHOLIC)

Wanna know a secret? Cinnamon Roll Cake was originally supposed to be, well...cinnamon rolls. This book-inspired recipe for Christmas Shopaholic was born out of a failed attempt to make Sticky Buns for another book review. Nothing goes as main character Becky plans on Christmas Day in Christmas Shopaholic, and Cinnamon Roll Cake fits right into that theme, making it the perfect recipe to pair with this book. Cinnamon Roll Cake is for those of...

Apple Butter Crumble Bars (Recipe Inspired by THEME MUSIC)

I’m officially kicking off the baking holiday season with Apple Butter Crumble Bars! We’ve now entered my favorite time of year: the season of cinnamon-scented air, platters of cookies piled high on tables, festive decorations everywhere you look... ...and yoga pants becoming acceptable attire at all holiday functions because, by god, they’ll stretch to fit EVERYTHING you consume between now and New Year’s Eve. That’s right, folks....

Pumpkin Swirl Brownies (Recipe Inspired by THE WHISPER MAN)

My October baking game is starting strong with Pumpkin Swirl Brownies! The Whisper Man is definitely one of the creepiest books I've read in a long time -- which means it's a perfect October read. And, with their dark brown and bright orange whirls, Pumpkin Swirl Brownies are the perfect October treat. This book-inspired recipe was created because I needed some comfort food after reading that scary-ass novel. And, because I couldn't decide if...

Rose Honey Cake (Recipe Inspired by JERUSALEM MAIDEN)

This Rose Honey Cake turned out so gorgeous, I had a hard time slicing into it. Which is pretty frickin’ hilarious, considering how absolutely awful my first attempt at making this dessert went! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll remember my post of the cake that flowed like molten lava up and over its baking dish and (thankfully!) onto the baking sheet below. Moral of that story? Don’t try to cram a cake meant for a 9” springform pan...

Sock It To Me Cake (Recipe Inspired by AN AMERICAN MARRIAGE)

Sock It To Me Cake is main character Roy’s favorite cake in An American Marriage. His momma makes it for him when he goes to visit her, and the unusual, playful name of the dessert caught my eye as I was reading. However, when it tured out that Sock It To Me Cake is the last dessert Roy enjoys before being unjustly imprisoned, I knew what my book-inspired recipe for this amazing novel had to be. While Sock It To Me Cake is a well-known dessert...

Cinnamon Raisin Scones

Cinnamon Raisin Scones are a celebration of all things cinnamon. And, who couldn't use a little celebration right now? Mr. Tart loves cinnamon. LOVES it. He'll try pretty much anything cinnamon-flavored, including those weird, special edition Oreo cookies and KitKat bars they keep churning out. He frequently requests my Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cake, and I've even gotten him to like cinnamon in savory dishes, like these Pomegranate Meatballs a...