A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Sock It To Me Cake (Recipe Inspired by AN AMERICAN MARRIAGE)

Sock It To Me Cake is main character Roy’s favorite cake in An American Marriage. His momma makes it for him when he goes to visit her, and the unusual, playful name of the dessert caught my eye as I was reading. However, when it tured out that Sock It To Me Cake is the last dessert Roy enjoys before being unjustly imprisoned, I knew what my book-inspired recipe for this amazing novel had to be. While Sock It To Me Cake is a well-known dessert...

Mint Chocolate Cake (Reciped Inspired by THE MOTHER-IN-LAW)

I really should call this Mint Chocolate Cake the “Hot Mess Cake.” Because that's totally what it looks like until the cake comes out of the oven. It’s just a whole bunch o’ ingredients dumped unceremoniously into a food processor that magically becomes one of the most delicious, moist, and mouth-watering cakes you’ll ever taste. Even though The Mother-in-Law wasn't inspired by author Sally Hepworth's mother-in-law, my book-inspired...