A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Apple Butter Crumble Bars (Recipe Inspired by THEME MUSIC)

I’m officially kicking off the baking holiday season with Apple Butter Crumble Bars! We’ve now entered my favorite time of year: the season of cinnamon-scented air, platters of cookies piled high on tables, festive decorations everywhere you look... ...and yoga pants becoming acceptable attire at all holiday functions because, by god, they’ll stretch to fit EVERYTHING you consume between now and New Year’s Eve. That’s right, folks....

All Day Apple Butter

Not going anywhere for awhile? No, this is not a recipe for homemade Snickers bars. But, this is a recipe for All Day Apple Butter, which, you may have already surmised, will take you all day to make. We’re talking 10-12 hours, people. However, there’s only about 30-40 minutes of active cooking time, and the rest is all passive time until you’re ready to blend and jar the finished product. So, winter storm have you holed up inside? Make...