A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Pantry Staples Recipes: A Coronavirus Meal Planning Survival Guide

Hello, Tartlets! We interrupt our regularly scheduled book review and book-inspired recipe posts to bring you this specially curated list of Pantry Staples Recipes, designed to help you figure out what the heck to cook each day while you're spending 24/7 with those you love...with, um, rather limited resources. My grandmother always kept a well-stocked pantry and freezer in her basement. Whenever I would visit her, we would go downstairs and...

Greek Chicken Orzo Salad (Recipe Inspired by CIRCE)

As I was making this Greek Chicken Orzo Salad, I realized something: for someone who doesn't really like mint, I sure am making a lot of recipes with mint these days. Mint is just so fresh tasting. It brightens up any savory dish with an unexpected zip, and it imparts a refreshing coolness to sweet desserts. Can you really blame me for over-using it this summer? Nope. I didn't think so. Spoiler alert: this Greek Chicken Orzo Salad contains...

Veggie Pizza (Recipe Inspired by SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES)

What recipe does one pair with a book set in a crematory? I admit, this book-inspired recipe was a real stumper. I wanted something that relates to Smoke Gets In Your Eyes as closely as possible. And, yes, some recipes did come immediately to mind. However, I had to nix them pretty early on because, silly me, I also wanted something that wouldn’t completely gross out my readers when they finally realized the inspiration for the recipe. I'm all...

Mushroom Brie Mac and Cheese (Recipe inspired by NO ONE TELLS YOU THIS)

One of the best parts of being single – or, heck, even just having a night on your own while your partner and/or kids are out doing their own thang – is eating whatever you want. You don’t have to cater to anyone’s tastes but your own. While my husband does occasionally indulge my love for food he hates, I do sometimes miss being able to come home and whip up something I'm craving without considering what my other half may eat for dinner...

Mushroom Thyme Pasta (Recipe Inspired by TWO STEPS FORWARD)

Although I had a difficult time writing the review for Two Steps Forward, I had a very easy time deciding on my book-inspired recipe. Zoe, Martin, and the other pilgrims sleep at a variety of lodgings throughout their pilgrimage, and while meals are provided at some places, they often have to make their own in hostel or boarding house kitchens. In these situations, most pilgrims eat alone, but if a few are staying at the same place, they’ll...

One-Pot Swedish Meatball Pasta (Recipe Inspired by HORRORSTOR)

Everyone knows that the best part about Ikea -- apart from it not being a haunted Orsk store -- is the in-store restaurant. There's just something exciting about grabbing that tray, standing on the line cafeteria-style, and being ladled up a giant spoonful of steaming Swedish meatballs smothered in gravy. That's what makes an Ikea trip so great -- you can spend the entire day there, wandering around and being fed a hot meal without ever...

Cincinnati Chili (Inspired by FOOTBALL!)

We're well into September now, and that means it's time for crunchy falling leaves, taking cozy sweaters out of storage, all things pumpkin spice and apple related, and...the return of FOOTBALL! I can't even believe I'm writing this post. If you knew me about 10 years ago, you would understand why. I was a completely different person; football did not factor into my life, except for knowing that Sunday afternoon games meant I could grocery shop...

Ziti ala Colucci

I'm finally posting about my favorite food. PASTA. Honestly, I'm shocked I've held out as long as I have. I could eat pasta every single day. Confession: I might have actually done that in college and ballooned 40 pounds. So, I have learned the hard way that, no matter how much I want to, I cannot eat pasta every day. But, if I could request to eat only one food for the rest of my life, it would be pasta. (And maybe Chinese takeout. And some...