A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Blood Orange and Rose Water Fairy Cakes (Recipe Inspired by LITTLE DARLINGS)

I seriously think these Blood Orange and Rose Water Fairy Cakes are plucked straight from my childhood tea party dreams. My latest read, Little Darlings, follows a woman whose babies are snatched away by fairies. As soon as I finished the book, I started scouring the Internet for fairy-related recipes. I quickly stumbled upon Fairy Cakes and immediately fell in love with these cupcake-like confections encased in icing and adorned with colorful...

Hocus Pocus Cupcakes (Recipe Inspired by THE HOCUS POCUS MAGIC SHOP)

I can't stop staring at these gorgeous Hocus Pocus Cupcakes. *all the heart eyes* The sprinkles! The frosting! THE SPRINKLES AND THE FROSTING!! Although The Hocus Pocus Magic Shop takes place around Halloween, these delicious confectioneries flavored with chocolate, cherries, and roses are like Valentine's Day shoved into a cupcake. Which is exactly what you want in a dessert modeled after a love potion. You heard me: love potion. These are LOVE...

Coconut Cupcakes (Inspired by THE COINCIDENCE OF COCONUT CAKE)

Hands down, this is the BEST coconut cake recipe you will EVER come across. During my years upon this earth, I have made the important discovery that coconut is a very divisive flavor. As a coconut lover (some may say fanatic), I can't fathom how anyone could despise this magical ingredient. One of my favorite treats growing up was a coconut FrozFruit popsicle that I would get from the snack bar at the town lake. That cool, creamy taste and...