A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Why It’s Helpful to Take a Creative Writing Workshop

Confession: when I signed up for my first novel writing workshop, I didn't think it would be that helpful. Really, I signed up as a last resort. When I hit a roadblock trying to turn Hyggely Ever After from a rom-com into women's fiction, my confidence crumbled. I doubted myself as a writer, and I doubted I could make my story into the version I knew it could be.  As you all remember, I threw in the towel and decided to shelve the manuscript....

How to Revive a Manuscript: Welcome Back, Novel #3

Hey, Tartlets. Coming at you today with how I finally -- finally -- revived a manuscript that I thought was a lost cause. Notice that I said "revived" and not "revised." That's on purpose. Remember when I called Time of Death on Novel #3? Yeah, that was a rough day. When I announced my decision to shelve that manuscript (amidst a flood of tears, I might add), I was convinced I was doing the right thing. I’d been trying for the better part of...