A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Quick Look Books: Modern Love Stories (February 2020)

Love is in the air, Tartlets! Happy Valentine's Day! I originally wasn't planning to post anything today, but after scrolling through Instagram last week, I saw lots of "Literary Love Stories" and "Love Story Lists" being posted by book bloggers. I...

Quick Look Books: Powerhouse Books (September 2018)

I have a friend who, without fail, asks me “So, what have you been reading lately?” every time I see him. Despite the fact that I’m a book blogger, I usually draw a blank when someone asks me for literary recommendations out of the blue....

Pan-Seared Salmon with “Company” Guacamole (Recipe inspired by YOU THINK IT, I’LL SAY IT)

I had a tough time thinking about what recipe to pair with  You Think It, I'll Say It ; the stories are so varied, and all of them lead you into different places. And, aside from a small mention of raccoon stew (um, NO), food wasn't prominently...

Book Review of YOU THINK IT, I’LL SAY IT

I <3 Curtis Sittenfeld. This woman can do no wrong. I'm here to talk about her newest book, You Think It, I'll Say It. But, first, we have to talk a little bit about the author. My appreciation for her work began when I read American Wife at the...